
This assignment introduced students to the process of using their senses for documentary observation. The in-class portion of the assignment asked students to remember an experience through their senses - what it felt like, what they heard, what they saw, what they tasted, what they smelled.  Then make a drawing from their memory and use writing to reveal sensory details for their audience.


David:  "My drawing was about the time in cross country we had to run up a very steep hill that made everyone exhausted. It have one part that was very steep and most people were walking on all fours so they would not lose balance. There was also trees next to the hill many tall and short trees."

"I am playing at a basketball game and
I can feel the light weight of the basketball on my hand.
I can feel the control when I dribble the basketball
I can hear my teammates asking for the ball.
I can hear the huge loud steps of the other team running down the court
I can smell the girls armpits who did not put on deodorant
I can see my teammates shooting the basketball through the net and making the swoosh sound
I can see the big beautiful smiles on my teammates when we win the game"

Yadira: "In this picture I drew the beach at night. I saw the dark sky and the stars lighting up. I heard the weaves crashing down as the wind blew in the air. I felt the cold sand and water as I walked. I ate pizza that night and drank soda. That's something I tasted."