Final Project

For their final project, the freshman were asked to create a multi-media story on how to strengthen empathy, or a social justice topic. Their instructions were as follows:

Your final story projects must include a blend of 4 Storytelling Methods:

- Field Observation
- Interview (quotation from in-class interview subject, or new)
- Visual Arts (5-10 Photographs and/or Drawings)
- Writing (at least 250 words)

How you decide to blend the 4 methods is up to you. You must include each, but if you enjoyed some more than others, emphasize those.

What you decide to focus on is up to you, but your focus must either address How to Strengthen Empathy or be a Social Justice Topic.  Think about things that affect many people (social) and things that are out of balance (unjust).

For example, “Trees” is not a social justice topic, because it does not discuss an impact on many people. On the other hand, “Trees: Some Neighborhoods Have Them, Some Don’t” is a social justice topic because it addresses how different groups of people (neighborhoods) do not experience equal benefits (having trees on their street).

Your projects need a message and an audience: what are you saying, and to whom?

SELECTED STUDENT WORK: (use arrows/dots below each slide to advance/enlarge)

Alejandra's final project:

Juan's final project:

Melody's final project:

Nevaeh's final project: